To forgive is to accept what happened and let go of the pain it caused you. Once you remove this pain, you'll find the urge to seek revenge also vanishes, and your life becomes balanced once more. While there are countless ways to truly forgive someone, below we've identified the most powerful actions you can take. Read on so you can bring the true meaning of forgiveness into …Continue Reading
Compassion vs Empathy | What’s The Difference?
While humans prize both traits, what's the real distinction between compassion vs empathy? Though these qualities are often used interchangeably, they're actually different from each other. To explore the intricacies of these two emotional responses and find out how they're connected, read on. Below, we'll define empathy, define compassion, and then bring you to a deeper …Continue Reading
Compassionate Definition
The compassionate definition is the feeling or showing of sympathy and concern for others and is arguably one of the most important qualities a person can have. Other qualities a compassionate person is associated with are sympathetic, empathetic, and understanding. In spite of its general definition, experts have developed varying perspectives on what the definition of …Continue Reading
What is Compassion? How Compassion Can Lead to Business Success
When you ask "what is compassion?" you may think of certain moments in your personal life. What does compassion mean to you? You can imagine the compassion parents show to their newly born child. The compassion shown by a stranger has shown when running into a burning building to save someone's life. You may even imagine the tiny acts of compassion. You'll remember the person …Continue Reading
How Gratitude Leads to a Happier Life
Are you happy? If not, know that only by developing a habit of gratitude can you lead a happier life. Gratitude is beneficial to your health, happiness, life satisfaction, and your relationships with others. This is because gratitude helps your brain focus on the positive aspects of life. To learn even more of the benefits of gratitude, and how you can incorporate gratitude …Continue Reading