Here’s what happened on Raising Self Awareness
1. Personal Development Ideas: Creating a Good Individual Development Plan
As individuals set on self-reflection, we’re constantly searching for ways to assess our skills and traits in order to reach our full potential. After all, by incorporating personal development ideas into your life, you can find new growth. Below, you’ll find frequently asked questions about the idea development process and personal development plans, so you can reach new levels of achievement… Click to read more
2. Top Tips For A Sound Mental Health
Sound mental health is about recognizing the self is composed of many different parts. We are not our jobs, our friends, our relationships, or our spirituality — we are the sum of all these parts. Happiness is all about nourishing the varied, equally important aspects of ourselves. Want to learn more? Keep on reading!… Click to read more
3. 21 Microaggressions to Steer Clear Of
Microaggressions are a delicate subject. These insensitive or ill-informed statements and questions may not be as overt as harassment of the past, but they still make an impact on their recipient. So what exactly is a microaggression, how can you avoid it, and what are the most common microaggressions that a person of color, a member of the LGBT community, or a differently abled person encounters every day? Let’s find out… Click to read more
4. Meditate Definition: Everything You Need to Know
Meditation is a very personal thing and a very different experience for everyone who does it. If you feel overwhelmed by all this nuance, a good place to start learning about it is by looking at the meditate definition. What does it mean to meditate? Meditation is about training the mind to reach a state of calm to relieve stress and enhance focus. It allows you to connect with the things around you, as well enables you to find unity and fluidity in life. People spend all day long thinking and stressing. Meditation is the way to relax the mind and finally allow it to rest… Click to read more
5. Compassionate Definition
The compassionate definition is the feeling or showing of sympathy and concern for others and is arguably one of the most important qualities a person can have. Other qualities a compassionate person is associated with are sympathetic, empathetic, and understanding. In spite of its general definition, experts have developed varying perspectives on what the definition of compassionate is… Click to read more
What have you done with your meditation this week? Let us know in the comments below.
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