Raising Self Awareness

DIY Meditation Pillow Gift Idea

Any meditator knows the function a meditation pillow serves. Meditation pillows, or zafus, are essential tools used in meditation practice. These meditation cushions assist the meditator in performing the various meditation posture meditation teaches. Whether they’re experienced or novice mediators, these pillows make the perfect gift for your loved ones. Here’s a basic guide to everything you need to know about how to make a zafu meditation cushion.

Give Your Loved One the Perfect Meditation Pillow


Why Should You Make a DIY Meditation Pillow?

Meditation pillows or zafus serve as a meditator partner during their zafu yoga practice. They’re often used as a seat when performing different positions like sitting cross-legged or when on your knees. It can also be used to protect your hips or simply performing a sitting meditation whether on the floor or on a meditation bench. While they’re very functional, these pillows also cost a lot.

In fact, most zafus cost more than $40. You can save money by making your yoga meditation cushion to give to your loved one. A zafu meditation pillow will be heavily used by the meditator during their sessions. Giving them a customized and handmade pillow may provide your loved one with a sense of familiarity. The person you give the zafu pillow to may remember you every time they use the pillow. Also, you can make meditation cushions zafu that perfectly suits their needs, characteristics, and traits.

Choose a Color That Matches Their Needs

Feng Shui states that different colors can alter your mood. You can consider this when choosing the color of your meditation pillow. Here’s a list of what the various colors represent in Feng Shui:

Choose the Right Filling

People often stuff meditation pillows with either Buckwheat Hull or Kapok Fiber. The fillings depend on what the meditator needs.

If they want a durable and stable meditation pillow, then you can go for Buckwheat Hulls. You can choose to use organic buckwheat hulls too. They are dense materials that provide a firm seating for the meditator.You can opt to use Kapok Fiber if the meditator wants lighter and fluffier material. Nonetheless, both these elements create a meditation pillow that will not easily give in and take the shape of the meditator’s buttocks.

Customize It According to Their Physical Structure

When making the meditation pillow, consider the meditator’s height, flexibility, and reach, among others. Variations of these pillows include round-cushioned and rectangular-shaped cushions. Since you’ll be making your pillow, you can adjust the height and length according to the measurements of your loved one.


Watch this video by Barbie DIY for a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a meditation pillow:

A zafu cushion is supposed to assist a meditator during meditation sessions as much as possible. The best meditation cushion is one that matches their needs, traits, measurements, and characteristics. Determine what your loved one truly needs and you’re sure to create a meditation pillow that will suit them.

Have you tried making a zabuton meditation cushion too? Feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!

Up Next: 9 Meditation Retreats You Can Visit This Holiday Season


Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on December 12, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

DIY Meditation Pillow Gift Idea
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