Raising Self Awareness

Meditate Definition: Everything You Need to Know

Meditation is a very personal thing and a very different experience for everyone who does it. If you feel overwhelmed by all this nuance, a good place to start learning about it is by looking at the meditate definition. What does it mean to meditate? Meditation is about training the mind to reach a state of calm to relieve stress and enhance focus. It allows you to connect with the things around you, as well enables you to find unity and fluidity in life. People spend all day long thinking and stressing. Meditation is the way to relax the mind and finally allow it to rest.

Meditate Definition | Finding Rest Amidst the Stress

In this article:


What Is Meditating?

Meditating technically means “to ponder” — that’s a little simple, though. In practice, people apply different meanings to meditations based on their own needs. For some, it might be the quiet time in the morning right before the family gets up. For others, it’s a more structured practice done before or after exercise.

It’s up to you to explore your own needs to find the meditation definition that works best in your life. Regardless of the type of meditation or meditation technique you practice, the basics are all very similar. The goal is to focus on something specific to clear the mind.

What are the Meditation Types?

1. Visual Meditation

There are a number of ways you can go about meditation. Regardless of your strategy, you must concentrate and focus your mind on a single point. Some use imagery and visualization to find that point in their day-to-day life, imagining things like a favorite bird in detail or a positive place like a beach. But, maybe you prefer your imagery to be more obvious. In that case, you might set up something to gaze at like a light or candle to get you started.

2. Breathing Meditation

The single point can also be your breathing. Picture the air moving in and out of your lungs while you breath. You can use your muscles in the same way. Guided meditation for beginners often starts with tightening up one muscle at a time and making that your point of focus.

3. Mindful Meditation

Mindful or mindfulness meditation turns that focus inward to the random thoughts that go through your mind. The goal is not to force these thoughts, but instead, let them flow naturally and see where they take you. Try to push away anything that might cause stress during mindful meditation like what you still have to do, what bills you have to pay, or what went wrong with your day. Instead, let your mind float. A good example is the mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR).

4. Moving Meditation

Alignment of the body in yoga does 3 things. The first is external and the second two are internal. . 1) It creates a shape with the body that communicates, and that others can look at and react to. Alignment is ‘body language.’ . 2) It creates a felt experience for the person practicing the shape unique not just to that position, but also that person, that day, that hour, that thought running through that head at that moment, that breath and the way all of that happens in relationship to those around. . 3) It creates a unique load experience for the body that shapes the body and its capacity for future loading. . For these reasons, it’s good to mix up the alignment you practice in the poses to have 1) something new to say 2) something new to feel + some new relationship to explore 3) some new capacity to build. . Variety is the spice of practice. Mix it up. If you’re stuck in the lines of Manhattan, straight, 90 degree angles, ‘parallel’ and ‘square’ get out of town and head out into nature where everything is crooked, spiraled, curved, soft and round like you. . #bodyofknowledge #laurelyoga #movingmeditation #yogaeverydamnday #asanaeverythirdday #varytheload #varytheloadstoyourbrain #meditation #meditate #fitness #health #love #workout #yogi #namaste #yogaeverywhere #midrangeisthenewblack #asanaeverythirdday #yogaeverydamnday #lifeofayogateacher #onlineyogacourse #instayogis #selfcare #getstronger

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Moving meditation keeps you on your feet during the session. Each step you take is your focal point. It’s a good way to get some meditation time in while visiting a favorite location like a beach or park. Just be careful and mindful of where you walk and the people around you.

Tips to Make Meditation Work

1. Choose a Location

You’ll need a nice, quiet place for meditation practice that closes off any distractions. You’ll also need a few minutes to yourself, so pick a place where no one will bother you. Once you have your location set, find a relaxing pose for your body. Many people sit on the floor with their legs crossed and hands in their lap. But, you can use a chair if it’s more comfortable.

2. Wear Loose Clothing

Make sure you’re wearing loose clothing. If you’ll be doing yoga meditation after work, take the time to change before starting.

3. Practice Breathing Exercises

Start your meditation by closing your eyes softly — don’t squeeze them shut — and focus on your breathing. Take a few slow, deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. This will set the tone for your meditation and help your mind focus on whatever technique you prefer. This also helps for those who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.

4. End the Session Slowly

End each meditation session slowly. Open your eyes and stand up. Spend some time stretching your muscles to improve your blood flow and wake the body back up.


Here is a video by Mindvalley showing the six Phase Guided Meditation with Binaural Beats:

Meditation is something anyone can benefit from with a little practice. After all, it does more than just help you relax your mind like improving your health and well-being. Meditation can lower your blood pressure and heart rate, improve circulation, and give you a general sense of well-being. That’s something everyone must seek in their lives. If you’ve never tried, now is the time to start meditating.

Do you know any meditation techniques for beginners? Do you have a different meditate definition? Let us know in the comments section below.
Up Next: How Different Types of Meditation Affect Different Areas of the Brain
Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on February 1, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
Meditate Definition: Everything You Need to Know
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