Raising Self Awareness

Why is a Holistic Approach to Cancer Care Necessary Today?

A holistic approach to cancer care is slowly emerging as one of the best possible ways to battle the disease. Medical and self-experts alike agree that cancer is not just a physical fight. Instead, it demands all of a person’s energy, regardless of where a person may draw such strength. A holistic approach to cancer treatment acknowledges this. The Huffington Post has the full story.

Finding a Holistic Approach to Cancer Care

As cancer care evolves, healthcare providers are realizing that patients need a holistic approach to care — one where spirituality, love and compassionate care are a part of the patient’s treatment journey. Rev. Drew Angus shares his work at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), supporting patients, caregivers and loved ones of those affected by cancer.

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The severity and fear which cancer brings are not new to people today. Whether you are a patient, a survivor, or a caring soul, you understand that cancer is a no laughing matter. Still, fear doesn’t mean cancer is unbeatable. In fact, there are now multiple ways of fighting cancer. Among these treatments, people are slowly discovering the power that a holistic approach to cancer care brings.

Why Should You Treat Cancer Holistically?

A complex disease naturally requires a multi-faceted treatment which is why so many effective cancer treatments and medicines exist. With all these medication and procedures, you can beat cancer. However, like after any battle, scars remain. Cancer is hardly ever just physical. Instead, it drains a person psychologically, emotionally, and most importantly, spiritually.

Consequently, spirituality is the key to treating cancer holistically. Why? Because spirituality encompasses the entire human being. After cancer, a person changes forever. This change is beyond the realm of medicine. It is instead wrapped up in relations with others and an understanding of the self. Yes, the journey to recovery takes a village. Still, recognizing yourself after such a traumatic journey is something only you can do. Physicality and emotions change after cancer. Being able to look in the mirror and like what you see requires an intimate connection with one’s spirituality.

Ultimately, the focus on a holistic and spiritual cancer cure stems from one cause: to remind people they are not their disease. The human spirit is much too free, kind, and compassionate to ever be caged by cancer.

Knowing Yourself and Others

At the end of the day, a holistic approach to cancer care inspires empathy. While it is true that spirituality is a concern and journey of the self, one is never truly alone. Cancer patients and survivors understand exactly what this means. Additionally, if you want to apply a holistic treatment of cancer, remember that spirituality grows most strongly through one’s connection with others. To truly feel in touch with one’s spirituality, lend an ear, dedicate time, or offer a helping hand. In the face of this unshakeable form of treatment, any disease would waver.


Watch this video from Cedars-Sinai for more insight on a holistic approach to cancer care:

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Why is a Holistic Approach to Cancer Care Necessary Today?
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