Raising Self Awareness

9 Wellness Practices Your Family Can Do This Thanksgiving

Work on these wellness practices this Thanksgiving season. It’s one of the best ways to take advantage of the nearing holiday. Working on your wellness also contribute loads to your mood and attitude. Here are a few wellness tips to take note of:

Wellness Practices to Work on During the Holiday

1. Show Gratitude

Thanksgiving involves the act of being grateful. Consider it a day of saying and showing thanks. Reflect on the people and the experiences you’re thankful for.

Show gratitude for both the good and the bad situations you’ve experienced. After all, everything happens for a reason. Remember, you wouldn’t be where you are now if it weren’t for them.

2. Forgive Often

Thanksgiving is also a time to forgive. Forgive those who’ve hurt you in one way or another. Don’t forget to forgive yourself as well. Think of this holiday as a way for you to start a clean slate.

3. Practice Mindful Eating

Everyone always looks forward to a Thanksgiving feast. Tables are filled to the brim with turkeys, cranberry sauces, and all sorts of delicious dishes. It’s practically normal to feel stuffed like a turkey during the holiday. However, don’t forget to practice mindful eating, despite the occasion. Make it a point to never put more on your plate than what you can finish.

4. Savor Your Food

Chew your food thoroughly. It’s one way to avoid scarfing down everything on your plate. Chewing slowly also prevents you from overindulging with your meal. The stomach takes a while to signal to your brain that you’re already full. So fight against the urge to chew mindlessly. In the end, you’ll also have a better appreciation for the food consumed. You’ll get to taste the flavors more.

5. Continue Meditation

Start off your day with a few minutes of meditation. Wake up early and set your tone for the day. Work on turning this into a habit. It’ll do wonders for your mood.

6. Listen Intently

Too often, others fall into the trap of listening to reply. They fail to listen intently. They merely want to give a solution. However, sometimes, all people need is a lending ear. They could just want someone to listen to their rants. At times, they only need to vent out to someone they trust.

7. Give Time

Do you remember the last time you spent time with family and friends without looking at your mobile phone? Today’s world is usually filled with outside chatter. Often, there are so many notifications and emails to read.

This Thanksgiving, give your family and friends your full attention. Switch off your devices and place them somewhere where you can’t see them. That way, you’ll be less tempted to use them while in conversation.

8. Practice Kindness

An act of random kindness is always appreciated. No matter how big or small. Lend a helping hand to people around you. It doesn’t matter if you know them or not. A little help goes a long way.

9. Accept Vulnerability

Practice having an open heart. Share more of yourself to cultivate deeper relationships with other people. Accepting vulnerability also contributes to your wellbeing. In addition to this, it also provides you with more ways to learn more about yourself.

Here are more wellness practices you can work on. Press play on the video below:

These wellness practices will help you take care of yourself, despite all the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The best part is, you can practice these tips 365 days in a year. That way, you’ll continuously improve your wellbeing.

Have any go-to wellness practices? Share them with us in the comments section below!

Up Next: What is Self-Awareness?


9 Wellness Practices Your Family Can Do This Thanksgiving
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