Raising Self Awareness

Exploring Spirituality Worksheets: Do They Really Help?

Spirituality seems complicated at a first glance. Many assume it relates to religious beliefs or religious practices, but it actually refers to your search for your inner self, and your connection to your soul. Any individual can benefit from spirituality because it helps you gain wisdom, a peaceful mindset, and an awareness of your inner self on a conscious level. Spirituality worksheets are tools that may help with your goals. The impact, however, depends on your commitment to your spiritual journey, and your specific areas of interest.

Spirituality Worksheets and How They Can Help Your Spiritual Goals


What are Spirituality Worksheets?

Spirituality worksheets are a guideline to help with your spiritual goals. They are available in different forms, such as, question and answer forms, recommendations for steps to take in your life or simple instructions to help with spiritual practices.

A worksheet only helps when you are willing to follow the steps, or use it to assist with a goal. It does not help when you scoff at the instructions, skip steps or ignore the information presented in the worksheet. A spirituality worksheet is similar to any other worksheet on health and lifestyle. It gives you a direction, but it is your decision to follow the path to reach your goals.

How the Worksheets Help With Your Goals

Although spirituality worksheets may help with your goals, it is important to understand how they give you assistance. The primary way a worksheet assists with your spirituality is through awareness. When you read through a worksheet or evaluate an instruction on the worksheet, it raises your awareness about your current practices. It helps you ask questions about your current lifestyle, and how it may impact your spirituality.

Spirituality worksheets also provides guidance for your path. It may not play a role in every step of your journey, but it does give you a place to start. It provides a guidepost to help you make decisions about the next steps you can take to improve your spiritual intelligence and your connection to your soul.

The final way a worksheet helps with your spiritual goals is through reflection. Spirituality is an inner journey that requires your participation and reflection about your ideas. A worksheet is a tool that allows you to reflect on specific aspects of your character or your thought patterns. By reflecting on your character, you are able to recognize when you need to make changes to your life or your actions, to start walking toward a spiritual goal.

Potential Downsides of the Worksheets

While a worksheet may help, you should be aware it does have limitations as well. A worksheet is only a guide to help you make decisions or to take specific steps. It is not the only tool you need to reach your goals, or even the primary tool you need to develop your spiritual intelligence and skills. Worksheets give you a starting point, but they can only guide your path until you reach a point where you are beyond the information contained within the worksheet.

Worksheets have limited information and limited guidance. You should expect to move beyond the worksheet when you are familiar with the information and have already formed a habit of following the steps provided in the worksheet. Expect to move beyond the scope of a single worksheet or a group of worksheets, as you develop your skills and practice for your spiritual goals.

Starting a Spiritual Journey

Developing your spirituality is a journey and you would want to use worksheets to help you take the first step into your journey. Expect a few bumps on the road when you are starting out, and use the worksheets to help you stay focused on your goals. The journey starts when you are willing to take a look at your soul and recognize the full extent of your inner experience. Follow spiritual worksheets to take the first step, and start working on building a strong foundation for your spirituality.


Here’s a guide on how to set goals using spiritual worksheets from Eileen Wilder:

Exploring your spirituality is a key part of a healthy lifestyle. As you take the journey to discover more about your soul, you will gain peace of mind and wisdom that carries forward into other areas of your life. A spirituality worksheet helps you take the first step by clarifying where to start and what to avoid when you do not want to involve the secular aspects of your life into your spiritual journey.

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Exploring Spirituality Worksheets: Do They Really Help?
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