Raising Self Awareness

Is New Age Spirituality a Religion?

New age spirituality is so much more than just healing crystals. In fact, the crystals are only a small part of the New Age practices. The increasing talk of New Age spirituality has many asking if it can be considered a religion. Keep reading to find out some of the basics of New Age spirituality.

New Age Spirituality: What is it All About?


1. Aquarian Age

Aquarian Age is another term for New Age. It brings enlightenment and peace. In the process, it also claims to bring humans closer to “God.” The New Age claims to provide more insights about God’s real nature. Therefore making God more understandable.

2. Mankind is Central

New Age recognizes mankind as divine creatures. They see mankind serving a co-creator purpose. This is why practitioners think long-term and place an importance on the future of the world.

3. Evolutionary Godhood

New Age spirituality delves into the study of the spirit. Its evolution includes pushing mankind toward a godlike-consciousness. New Age teaches that mankind is innately divine.

Some of the evolutionary godhood practices include astral projection, crystal usage, and spirit channeling. Astral projection is the act of training a soul to leave the body. Crystal usage involves the use of crystals to cleanse and purify the human body. Finally, spirit channeling invokes a spirit from the other realm. Through this practice, spirits can provide guidance for mankind.

4. Global Unity

New Age spirituality says man is united with 3 parts: man, nature, and God. The unity with man is what allows mankind to accept the divine knowledge they have within themselves.

New Age spirituality also identifies that God is in everything, including nature. Therefore, practitioners make it a point to nurture nature. In turn, they become nurtured by nature as well.

Man’s unification with god starts by recognizing that mankind is divine by nature. However, the New Age god is said to still remain hidden from mankind. In the New Age god’s absence, practitioners simply tolerate all kinds of truth, purpose, and meaning.

5. New Age Isms

Some of the main focal points of New Age spirituality involve “feel-goodism,” “moral relativism,” and “pluralism.” “Feel-goodism” is the act of doing whatever feels good, as long as no one else is harmed. “Moral relativism” points to how judgments can be either true or false, relative to a certain standpoint. It rules that no standpoint is above all others. Lastly, “pluralism” looks at universal tolerance. It’s a philosophy that agrees with a society’s diversity.


It’s hard to determine whether New Age spirituality is a religion or not. A religion in its simplest definition is the belief in a superhuman or a god. Although the New Age believes there is a god, it isn’t as easy to call it a religion. After all, it also states that mankind is a divine being, which challenges traditional religious beliefs. The fact that New Age spirituality has no centralized doctrine makes it even more difficult to figure out.

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Is New Age Spirituality a Religion?
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