Love spirituality is once again stirring passionate discussions in raising self-awareness. Is it a chemical reaction in the brain? Is it an evolutionary combination of pheromones? It doesn’t seem to matter which of these you believe. What does matter is knowing how love spirituality affects your self-awareness. Here’s how you can better understand it.
Love Spirituality: Truth as Old as Time
Why Is Love Spirituality Important?
Spirituality is slowly but surely making a comeback around the world. While the last few centuries have slowly but steadily driven a wedge between science and spirituality, that gap is beginning to close as we start to understand how critical a role intangibles play in our lives.
Love spirituality is no exception. For thousands of years, philosophers and researchers have been trying to determine what, exactly love is. Is it really a union of souls last for this lifetime or many?
Deciding how you understand love spirituality is crucial because it affects how you view other people. It also shapes how you view yourself in relation to these people. Love spirituality at its core is openness. When it comes to self-awareness, openness is important.
What is the Connection Between Love and Spirituality?
Loved talking with a woman with a beautiful message of #love & #healing. If you want a #WinterSoltice chat about #nde (s) and #spirituality, here it is. (The audio gets better. Might be #MercuryRetrograde)
— Tricia Barker (@TriciaTeacher) December 22, 2017
A spiritual connection is more than simply sharing the same hobbies or interests, liking the same music or television shows, or having likeminded friends. While all of these are determinants of a successful relationship, many strong and healthy couples don’t share all their likes, dislikes and values.
Instead, love spirituality is about an openness and connectedness you don’t feel with anyone else. Your special someone should put you at ease and make you feel as though you can share anything with them. Your bad habits, your deepest character flaws, your most irrational fears and your ugliest emotions.
Of course, you also want to share the good: your brightest dreams and most creative talents and all the love you hold for your soulmate and others you love.
How Can You Tell If You’re Spiritually Connected?
Remember when you were little, and you wrote out your name alongside the name of your crush, tallied up all the Ls, Os, Vs and Es and then did some fuzzy math to determine how likely you were to be soulmates? Well, love spirituality is even less clear than that, unfortunately. There’s no test to tell whether or not you’re “meant” to be with someone. Rather, you just have to feel it.
There are some clear signs, at least. If you feel comfortable with that person, as said above, chances are you’ll work out in the long run. If you have a feeling like you’ve “known them forever,” even though you might not have been together that long, that’s a good sign as well.
How Do I Nurture Love Spirituality?
Spirituality is love, divinity. It flows. It doesn’t begin and end. It’s present in every being all through. #WCHPS2017 #BeingSpiritual
— World Confluence of Humanity, Power & Spirituality (@WCHPS2017) December 22, 2017
You and your loved one may not share every passion, friend, hobby or even principle, but it is important that you share many of them. Over time, with true soulmates, that number will become “most.” After all, if you spend most of your time with one person, you will eventually share their ideas on food, people and the state of the world. If you never get to that point, then as the Magic 8 Ball would say: Outlook Not So Good.
Don’t dismiss a relationship too early, though. Sometimes it takes a long time to connect, to work out kinks or even to get past deep hurt early on. If you still feel a strong draw to your partner despite this, it’s probably worth sticking with it and seeing what the Universe has in store for you two.
Love Beyond Spiritual Worries: What Love Spirituality Really Means
It’s important to remember that no one factor determines the success or failure of your relationship, even strong love spirituality. A number of other factors affect whether you will live happily ever after or have to say goodbye at some point, including how well you communicate. In fact, powerful research by psychologists such as John Gottman shows that the effort you put into listening to the other person in the relationship is one of the most reliable determinants of relationship success.
Watch this video from TEDx Talks for more insights on love spirituality:
At the end of the day, the journey to love spirituality will begin as a solitary one but will end in harmony with your loved one. Try to see and talk about whether or not an existing spiritual connection is important. If you decide there is one, you can’t simply rest on those laurels. Relationships take not only love but work and sacrifice as well. Love spirituality may find you but it is up to you to keep it from going away.
What are your thoughts on love spirituality? Let us know in the comments section below.
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