Can books on spirituality change our lives? Perhaps it’s time to start our pursuit of self-awareness and feed our mind and soul with this year’s list of spiritual books. Here are 7 influential books on spirituality that will ignite a spiritual awakening in you.
Must-Read Books on Spirituality
1. Big Miracles: The 11 Spiritual Rules for Ultimate Success

Miracles happen every day, but how? Do we wait on the couch or do we roll up our sleeves and make our own? Joanna Garzili’s book invites us to be the creators of our own miracles. To simply believe in the power of our spirituality can already take us a long way. For those who are in need of enlightenment, you can grab a copy of this book for $14.84.
Amazon Review: When I started reading this book, I realized it was so full of good nuggets of advice and wisdom that I actually took notes from the book so I could refer back to them since there was no way I could remember it all! She offers good, sound advice for navigating a crossroads in life. She touches on so many useful things, overall focusing inward to get results in your life. I’m a bit spiritual but not religious, so it was refreshing to find a book that was solely focused on spirit without bringing organized religion or God into it. I’ll be using the advice put forth in the book for months to come! – Jess P
2. Wisdom Walking: Pilgrimage as a Way of Life

With Gil Stafford’s wisdom, this book is must for any list of books on spirituality as well. Stafford states that the life we have is the pilgrimage we’re currently on. This book tells us that it’s not enough to just open our eyes as we go on a pilgrimage. We also need to open our hearts, so we may understand what the eyes fail to see. For $13.75, this book ticks the interests of the wisdom seekers. It awakens the senses to fully grasp the purpose of one’s journey and self.
Amazon Review: Very interesting and personally revealing book that describes a way of life and a way of being in the world. – Joyce Stewart
3. Tamed By a Bear: Coming Home to Nature-Spirit-Self

Nowadays, we tend to struggle in finding a connection with other species. The root? The imbalances and pollution that we, humans, cause. Priscilla Stuckey’s book helps us understand the spiritual relationship of humans and nature. She encourages readers to listen to the voices within as we take action on behalf of the environmental crises around us. For interested readers, you can get this book for $17.10.
Amazon Review: Much like cream separating from milk, this book pulls the reader from the gloomy depths of government indifference and surfaces with hope that man and nature can coexist. – Sue
4. Fulfilled: How the Science of Spirituality Can Help You Live a Happier, More Meaningful Life
We work on gaining self-confidence for personal fulfillment every day. However, achieving a happy and meaningful life seems far-fetched due to the hindrance of insecurities and anxieties. With these mental blocks, spiritual confusion arises. This book’s author, Anna Yusim, felt this way too. This is why this book is recommended to those in search of life’s meaning. Experience spiritual fulfillment when you get a copy of this book for $17.49.
Amazon Review: This book is an absolute must. I love that it is written by such a highly qualified psychiatrist who understands spirituality to be the important link. When someone like this author chooses spirituality as the default it always puts my mind at rest. I’m giving copies to my friends. – Karen
5. Transformed: Challenging Myths About the Power-Filled Life
In addition to the abovementioned books on spirituality, Christy Wimber has another to offer. This spiritual book invites us to embrace the journey of transformation. Moreover, it encourages us to draw strength from the possibilities of life without denying our past mistakes. An honest look at one’s spiritual transformation, every word instills hope and encouragement to continue pursuing one’s personal development. Down from $16.99, you can now have a copy of this book for $9.67.
Amazon Review: A great read from a leader with a proven track record of service and integrity. Highly recommend this book. – gmd84
6. I Didn’t Sign Up For This: Finding Hope When Everything Is Going Wrong
The author of this book, John F. Westfall, speaks from experience when he writes about the power of acceptance and how one can heal spiritually in releasing the negativism found in routine. In times of adversity, giving up may seem like the best option and the easiest way out, but this book tells us otherwise. For those who need to be reminded of the good in things, you can grab a copy of this book for $9.83.
Amazon Review: Really appreciated his insights and humor. This book provides some fundamental building blocks that can help you frame difficult circumstances. While life can throw you curves, it’s how you choose to respond that can make the difference. Dr. Westfall delightfully weaves his personal stories into his eminently practical ideas. –D.Meharg
7. Holy Spokes: The Search for Urban Spirituality on Two Wheels
The books on spirituality listed above may have inspired us already, but this one’s worth our attention too. Laura Everett’s book is different from the rest. In it, we’re all invited to pedal our way to a new life that raises self-awareness and enriches the soul in ways that help our body. Be entertained by refreshing personal insights when you get this book for $12.65.
Amazon Review: I’m so very glad I read this book. In a super-size-me world this author provides a refreshing alternative. She speaks humbly and boldly about how the world looks from the seat of a bicycle. She does not hector, she celebrates. In telling her story she invites us to rediscover the world around us, and the way in which love and justice find us in the midst of brokenness and what looks like chaos. I loved this delightful little book. – Michael D. Mather
Preparing your bookshelf for these books? Press the play button first to see a glimpse of one of the titles from the 7 Influential Books on Spirituality this 2017!
Hopefully, the books on spirituality listed above spark a spiritual change in you. Remember that everything will fall into place once you’re focused on improving yourself and committing to your spiritual goals.
Do you have any other books on spirituality that didn’t make the list? Tell us in the comments section below!
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