As much of the world exits poverty and achieves a comfortable standard of living, our attention turns inward. Now that we have improved our material conditions, the human spirit naturally begins to focus on itself. We see a rich modern revival of interest in the metaphysical. In this, Kemetic spirituality and Kemetic meditation have found fertile ground in which to grow. Those …Continue Reading
How To Attain Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Learning to attain emotionally healthy spirituality happens in three different stages, though these can often overlap. During the first of these, you begin to understand your environment and its realities. This understanding is highlighted by being in the present rather than worrying about the future or the past. The second stage is marked by your feelings of connection to …Continue Reading
Humble Definition | Self Awareness Qualities
Kendrick Lamar's 2017 hit begs listeners to "be humble." Poet Alfred Tennyson refers to humility as "the highest virtue." In today's society, however, it's difficult to grasp a true humble definition. It's even more difficult to apply that definition to everyday life. Humble Definition And Cultivating It For A Better You In this article: How Does the World View …Continue Reading
Why Low Self Esteem Is a Problem in Your Relationship
If you suffer from chronic insecurity, you may think that your fragile feelings are the only parts of your life that take a hit. Yet the effects of low self-esteem are like a ripple in a pond. What starts as your own lack of self-worth expands into other parts of your life. That’s true whether it’s the promotion you don’t seek, the unhealthy eating habits you fall into, or the …Continue Reading
Low Self Esteem Definition And What Causes It
If you have a feeling that you don’t have the life you want because you’re not interesting, smart, nice, or otherwise special enough to deserve it -- well, in a way you’re right that improvement is needed. But it’s not character flaws or physical negatives that you need to tackle, but rather a low self-esteem. Understanding the low self-esteem definition and the causes of low …Continue Reading